JEANC Board Meeting
June 2, 2013
Via Google Hangout
I. Call to Order
President Michelle Balmeo called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Michelle Balmeo, Randy Hamm, Sarah Nichols, Rachel West, Don Bott, and Janelle Eastridge
II. Approval of Minutes
Rachel moved to approve the minutes. Randy seconded. Minutes approved.
III. Communications
Michelle shared that most of her communication, including that from the “adviser needs assistance” button on the JEANC website, has been about RENOvation.
IV. Reports of Officers
a. Treasurer
Randy emailed financial reports with detailed information to board members prior to the meeting. In terms of special projects, the annual contest yielded $366.13 in income, and the San Francisco convention yielded $10,148.86 in income. We are doing well financially.
Sarah reported that she mailed Randy a $30 check for a critique and will send another $30 check soon, so we actually have an additional $60 in our account. NSPA owes us $1,778.58 because of a mixup with with convention T-shirts ordered (including the rush fee to obtain the T-shirts, which was $355.55. Sarah has been reimbursed through JEANC for what she paid. NSPA still needs to reimburse us for the additional costs, even though some T-shirts haven’t been picked up. Potential solutions for leftover shirts include: have advisers buy shirts at a discounted price, sell at fall convention, or sell back to NSPA. Sarah will keep shirts for now, follow up with NSPA, and then bring them to the fall convention if NSPA doesn’t take them.
b. Membership Chair
As of today, we have 64 members. That is a significant drop since January. We have lapsed 13 members. Five or six seem to be letting their memberships lapse because of a “busyness” issue. A few surprises: some long-time members have let their memberships lapse, including a board member; these seem to be accidental. Rachel has emailed advisers whose memberships lapsed during April and May but hasn’t heard back from anyone. New members are registering online but not paying for their memberships. Postcard mailing had unfortunate, unexpected results: only one new member. However, the annual contest did yield five to seven renewals.
c. President
The annual contest was a success, but there were only a few video entries in the new video division.
Michelle mentioned that we saved $500 at the San Francisco convention in April because we took a table (for free!) outside the exhibitors hall instead of a booth inside the hall. However, she did purchase a new banner and a frame and props for the photo booth for the convention. Michelle reported that she met some non-member advisers at the San Francisco convention. There were no on-the-spot memberships, but she said she is hopeful that those who stopped by the booth will eventually become members. Several staffs also indicated they will be joining us at the fall convention in Sacramento.
There have been two online motions. The first was a motion to donate annually to the Student Press Law Center. Don suggested (and the board approved) to donate $300 annually, with $600 donated this year to account for not paying last year. The second motion (made by Sarah) was for a $500 donation to the Tinker Tour (which has since reached its “tipping point”).
V. Old Business
a. Journalist of the Year selection, scholarships
Rachel headed the committee for Journalist of the Year. Rachel shared that Janelle, Kristy, and Janice met in Tracy in March to review the portfolios. There were five entries. The one from Paly was a clear winner, and she was also a runner-up in the national JOY competition. Randy got the scholarship money out to the winners. Rachel still has the portfolios of the students who did not request their portfolio back. One entry from Southern California did not follow contest guidelines.
b. Annual Contest
Results are out. Advisers received results very quickly (thanks to Rachel).
c. #hsjSF activities, reflections
Michelle’s president’s report included a reflection on #hsjSF activities (please see notes above).
d. Digital RENOvation
Michelle shared that we stand to lose approximately $2,400 because we didn’t get the number of kids we expected this year for RENOvation. None of the advisers and students who attended last year are returning this year. Many just don’t have funding to attend this time, so we will have a whole new crop of kids this year.
e. Fall Convention: CONVERGE
Michelle called for a roll call of where everyone is with their jobs for the convention. Michelle is in charge of registration. She has started sharing about the convention through word of mouth, which seems to be more effective than mass emails that not everyone reads. People don’t seem to read emails from “JEANC,” so she will make a change in the system so that emails say they are from her, not JEANC. She will also revisit the registration form and update the website.
Sarah suggested doing T-shirts for the convention to build excitement. One option would be to build the T-shirt cost into the registration price (so an additional $10 or so for a T-shirt) and have people pre-order them at the time of registration online. Another option would be to sell the T-shirts on site at the convention (for $12 or so).
Sarah is also starting to work on finding speakers and plans to present herself. Ellen has some contacts that she has suggested and emailed to Michelle and Sarah. Sarah suggested getting a keynote speaker outside of the board, such as some leads Ellen has suggested, because of the “big name” draw from a media professional, even if he/she requires a speaker fee.
Don agreed and pointed out that our board has been very conservative financially, and it would be worth it to pay for a keynote speaker’s fees. He also suggested that we see if our keynoter might be willing to stay and do follow-up or additional sessions (especially if he or she is being paid). Don reported that the convention center has named the same fee for internet as two years ago, which means we will have internet access in the lobby and auditorium. Don will keep the board posted on pricing for internet and facilities.
Sarah will send the program template to Don, who will update the program as it changes. Don suggested that those who were not able to attend this meeting should especially try to find speakers for the convention. Michelle pointed out that reaching out personally helps in securing speakers. Sarah said she would reach out to Pam Dinsmore at The Sacramento Bee, as well as Beatrice Motamedi, the JEA state director. Michelle pointed out that waiving advisers’ registration fees helps in getting advisers’ and their staffs to attend.
Rachel shared that she and Janelle will discuss the contests later this summer.
Michelle pointed out that in some cases, a mailing to promote the convention is beneficial and not too expensive. She shared that she received a poster that she put on her wall for another workshop or convention. She has received several verbal commitments.
Michelle will send out an email and/or Google doc for the group to update where they are with planning for the convention.
f. Digital lessons (un-conference, 5 minutes with…, YouTube channel)
Michelle requested we table these items until later.
VI. New Business
a. Online voting protocol
Sarah pointed out that the bylaws are posted on the website, but they do not include protocol for online meetings. She suggested we add the following (or something similar) to our bylaws:
The board may conduct virtual meetings. The president will determine the length and manner of virtual meetings. Asynchronous virtual meetings may be called only by the president, who will establish rules concerning the time and manner of the discussion and voting. The board will discuss the motion for the predetermined and limited length of time, after which the motion cannot be amended. Motions introduced at asynchronous virtual meetings can be passed only with approval of two-thirds of the board.
Sarah’s proposal for a process to vote on motions electronically is as follows:
1. Motion sent to all board members electronically.
2. Another board member seconds the motion by email.
3. Once that second occurs, we enter a 48-hour discussion period. This time also could include amendments to the motion.
4. Electronic vote occurs after the discussion period, for a 24-hour window. Ballot, form or electronic survey (not an email).
5. President notifies board of results.
6. Results posted online.
Sarah also pointed out that electronic motions would be posted at the top of the minutes since they, like meeting meetings, need to be approved.
Michelle said she would email the group with what was discussed, including the need to communicate with board members.
Sarah moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Rachel seconded.