Contestants will attend a session in which a speaker will present on a newsworthy topic and follow with a question and answer period. The written story should demonstrate an understanding of news values and basic newswriting style.
Contestants will attend a session in which a speaker will present on a newsworthy topic and follow with a question and answer period. The written editorial should take a position on the topic and present a well-supported argument.
Contestants will view a film and participate in a question and answer session with the film’s director afterward. The review should offer a balance of information and well-supported critique.
Contestants will attend a session in which a speaker will present on his or her life experience and follow with a question and answer period. The written feature should balance showing and telling, have a clear and specific angle, and use narrative details and direct quotations well.
Contestants will attend a session in which a speaker will present on a sports related topic and follow with a question and answer period. The written story should balance showing and telling, have a clear and specific angle, and use narrative details and direct quotations well.
Online news package
In this contest, up to three participants can choose to work together on a reporting team. Participants will register once, as a team. Contestants will meet during the first session to receive a topic and relevant resources, then will complete reporting over the course of the day. Contest time in the afternoon will be used to package and publish the news package.
Editorial Cartoon
Contestants will attend a session in which a speaker will present on a newsworthy topic and follow with a question and answer period. Artists should produce an editorial cartoon with a clear argument developed through humor, analogy or clever insight. Technique will also be evaluated.
Lab-based Design: Newspaper
Contestants will receive a prompt and a digital package of materials to pull from in executing the design of a single newspaper page. Designers should demonstrate an understanding of design principles and overall graphic unity.
Lab-based Design: Yearbook
Contestants will receive a prompt and a digital package of materials to pull from in executing the design of a double-page yearbook spread. Designers should demonstrate an understanding of design principles and overall graphic unity.
Carry-in Photo
Contestants should bring 3-5 photos from a single event/story, which will be evaluated as a set. Photos can be submitted using an SD card or USB flash drive with the images clearly labeled “Photo Contest 1 of 3” and so on. Photos will be evaluated on composition, visual impact and technique. Contest time will be used to offer feedback and critique to photographers.
Carry-in Video
Contestants may enter a single video story (should be journalistic — not commercial or promotional), not to exceed 7 minutes, produced by up to three students. Each video will count as a single entry. Video URL will be collected at contest registration through a digital form. Videos will be evaluated for production quality, journalistic value, and overall cohesion. Contest time will be used to offer feedback and critique to video journalists.
Best of the West
Carry in only, the Best of the West Contest follows NSPA Guidelines for national JEA/NSPA conventions. Newspapers, newsmagazines and broadcasts must be published between Aug. 1 of the contest year and the start of the convention. Only yearbooks and literary magazines from the prior school year will be accepted. Websites must have been updated since Sept. 1 of the contest year.