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The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


Before you enter

Ready to enter the 2025 JEANC Annual Contests?

Here a few documents that might help you to prepare your entries:

• Take a look at our contest category descriptions.

• Remember that all uploaded PDFs cannot exceed 4 MB, so you may need to view this link to preparing your press-ready PDFs. You can also watch our video on how to make yearbook entries into two-page spreads.

• Uploaded PDFs should be named as follows: publicationname_categoryname_#.pdf, where # is either 1 or 2 if you are submitting more than one entry in a given category (ex: thetimes_featurestory_1.pdf). Ensure that the information entered on the uploading form matches the file being uploaded!

• Entries that are double-page spreads should be saved as such (not as two separate pages). View this image of the export settings if you are unsure how to do this. Here is a video from JEANC board member Sarah Nichols on how to do this.

• For categories that require multiple entries (e.g. Yearbook Theme Coverage), we prefer all PDFs to be combined into one file before uploading. Here is our video on how to do that.  However, if the combined file size is too large, please upload the files separately and name them publicationname_categoryname_#of#.pdf. (ex: thetimes_themecoverage_1of4.pdf)

• You may enter twice per category per publication advised, so long as the two entries are from different students. For entries with more than three students, we suggest only naming the publication. Each entry beyond the three free entries awarded to each adviser is $5, and you will need to know the total number of entries when completing the payment portion of the entry form. All entries should have been published between April 2, 2024 — April 1, 2025. (Yearbook entries do not need to be published yet.) They should not have been entered in a previous Annual Contest.

When you’re ready, go to the entry form. After submitting the form, you will be redirected to an uploading page. If you encounter technical issues before completing the upload process, you will need to return to the uploading page.

Remember, the contest deadline this year is April 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (for entries published between April 2, 2024 — April 1, 2025). Good luck!