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The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


Upload contest entries

Before you upload contest entries, make sure you have completed the contest entry form.


The publication’s adviser must be a current JEANC member for the entries to qualify for judging. Advisers can join or renew membership online.

You may not enter work from any individual student more than once per category.

You may only submit two entries per category per publication advised.

All entries must adhere to our file preparation guidelines.

Upload an entry

Please complete this form once for each entry. Please double check you have selected the correct category for your entry before you submit. Your upload is not complete until you are redirected to the Congratulations! page. Upload times vary based on file size and connection speed.

  • Please double check your contest category before you submit. Improperly categorized entries may be disqualified.
  • Enter up to three student names separated by commas. Names will appear on award certificates as typed. Remember that you may not submit more than one entry from the same student in a given category.
  • If the work is untitled, include a description to direct the judge to the work.
  • Submit a link for appropriate NEWSPUB, DIGITAL MEDIA and VIDEO entries. Please make sure the link is active and accurate. For Video entries, please submit a published link, not a link to a Google Drive folder.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB.
    YEARBOOK entries and some NEWSPUB entries require a PDF entry. Have you followed the guidelines for preparing your entries?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.