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The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


Honor Cords

JEANC is now able to offer for purchase new, colorful honor cords for your seniors to wear at commencement (and keep forever). They can be ordered using the form below.

Eligibility requirements include all of the following:

  • Student is a senior.
  • Student has served more than one year on a student media staff, which can include enrollment in introductory classes.
  • Student has served in a leadership position on the student media staff – OR – has been honored with a first-, second- or third-place award in JEANC’s on-site or annual contests.
  • Student’s media adviser is a current member of JEANC.

Advisers are asked to make all purchases at once, if possible, to consolidate shipping. Purchased cords will be mailed to the adviser. Purchases can be made with PayPal or major credit cards.

JEANC Honor Cord Order Form

Use this form to order honor cords for your students:

  • Choose the number of honor cords you are ordering. To order 26 or more cords, please fill out an additional form (or forms) to complete the order.
  • $0.00
  • Are you using more than one order form? Do you need LAST YEAR'S 2-colored cords to match with some left-over cords you may have in stock? (Note: We have minimal stock of the older cords, and we will fill orders according to the date they were received.) Is there anything else we should know about your order?
  • PayPal information

    After you hit the "Submit" button, you will be redirected to a PayPal button to make a payment or instructions on how to send a check if you are paying by check. If you run into any problems making a payment, please contact JEANC Treasurer Keri Kimble at [email protected]
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.