JEANC Fall Meeting Minutes
Sunday, September 9, 2012
via Google Hangout
Present: Ellen Austin, Michelle Balmeo, Don Bott, Randy Hamm, Paul Kandell, Sarah Nichols
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
a. Tabled due to last meeting minutes not being posted online. Minutes will be posted and Board will approve via email.
III. Communications
a. Michelle received several positive emails after RENOvation. Most were from advisers pleased with the experience.
b. Michelle spoke by phone with Dean Al Stavitsky at UNR. More details later.
c. Cal-JEC has been meeting regularly to plan the symposium to be held Sept. 21.
i. Cal-JEC is trying to bring in high school advisers.
ii. Sarah and Ellen noted that the panel is not very diverse. It may be a deterrent for potential adviser attendees.
iii. Ellen noted that advisers need to see a great payoff if they are going to miss school.
iv. Paul, Ellen and Michelle will all be attending ONA conference with kids.
v. Don is uncertain that the target audience (advisers of struggling programs) would be able to attend because they are struggling.
vi. Sarah agreed to attend as a representative of JEANC. JEANC will pay for her substitute for the day.
vii. All agree that more lead time is needed for organized events such as this.
viii. Karl added that a Friday is difficult on short notice.
IV. Reports of Officers
a. Treasurer
i. Categorical details were sent via email and included in separate documents.
ii. Don noted that the balance is still relatively high given that we have already pre-paid facility costs for Fall 2013 convention.
iii. Randy explained that due to a mistake, $50 extra was sent to JEA. It will be considered a donation.
iv. Don moved to approve the Treasurer reports. Paul seconded. Motion approved.
b. Membership
i. Rachel was unable to attend but sent reports via email.
ii. Current members: 73 (As of Sept. 3)
iii. After ASNE Reno, we added 8 new members and Diana Mitsu Klos renewed. She coordinated the new member info, and I sent her a thank you note on behalf of JEANC.
iv. New members have been getting a benefit letter mailed from Rachel. She has been putting a handwritten “friendly note” on the letter to every member – it feels more personal that way.
v. She will be updating the letter by the end of the month. It needs a few new pictures and info updates. She attached the PDF of the document. If there is anything you’d like to suggest, email her changes and she will make updates with your feedback.
c. President
i. RENOvation is wrapped and was a success.
ii. A back-to-school e-blast is planned for after this meeting.
V. Old Business
a. RENOvation wrap-up
i. Made a small profit. ~$500. Michelle still has a few outstanding receipts that she cannot locate.
ii. Discussion with Dean Stavitsky indicated that he was okay with being hands-off but unclear about what we would be contributing to the university (financially).
iii. Future workshops will likely require a per pupil facilities fee. Michelle is more comfortable with that because it means that we don’t put more on the line than we bring in.
iv. Ellen suggested that if we agree to pay a fee, UNR should also meet specific terms, such as agreeing to a date early and providing tech support.
v. Michelle says that UNR would like to help outreach to Reno schools. They suggested using faculty, but we feel in-house is best.
vi. Paul suggested using non-faculty, grad student level independent contractors who are on the cutting edge of tech to assist. They could take over the “lighter” duties, like bed checks.
vii. Randy explained that independent contractors have to really be independent, meaning we shouldn’t even be setting their hours. If the amount paid exceeds $600, JEANC must send a W-9 form for the person. Someone suggested we look into having the university pay them and including the cost in our fee to the university. Ellen has concerns and does not support non-faculty student employees at RENOvation.
b. Fall J-Days
i. Sarah has arranged a J-Day for Oct. 6 at The Sacramento Bee. Things need to move quickly for that to materialize. She suggests that the day should be free for member advisers and their students. The group agrees.
ii. Sarah will contact Karl, who is lead on this project.
iii. Michelle, Ellen and Paul will work on a partner day in the South Bay, preferably at the Mercury News, though they have been generally unresponsive. Sarah suggests the San Francisco Chronicle.
iv. If anyone in the group has specific theme or planning ideas, send them via email.
c. Fall 2013 convention
i. Michelle will add the convention dates to the website. October 11-12, 2013
ii. Don reported that we dropped one room from our reservation.
iii. Group discussed the options for advertising the convention in San Francisco at the spring national convention.
iv. We should start thinking about bringing someone in to keynote the convention. We have money and can pay the person. Don suggested Aaron Manfull. Ellen mentioned that she has a former student at Mashable. Thinks she would be very relatable.
VI. New Business
a. April national convention advertising/booth
i. Proposal to list convention and RENOvation dates in an ad in the convention program. A full page ad in the convention booklet would cost $900. For convention sponsorship, would be $1250, which includes exhibit space.
ii. Paul pointed out that we would receive a large percentage back as the local convention hosts. We believe that we would get 80 percent of the cost back after the actual equipment costs. Seems like a no-brainer.
iii. We could potentially reveal the keynote speaker in the print program ad.
iv. Paul asked if it would be worthwhile to get a booth. Don mentioned that we would have to staff it, which may be difficult given our convention schedules. Paul suggested that it may be a nice rallying point.
b. Board member elections
i. Michelle read an email from Ed indicating that he would be willing to organize Board elections. He also stated that new members should be recruited to join the Board.
VII. Good of the Order
a. Randy’s granddaughter Zoe was born and Randy had the opportunity to travel to Arkansas to meet her.
b. While in Arkansas, he visited the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art made possible by the Walton Foundation of Wal-Mart fame and highly recommends it.
VIII. Adjournment