It’s time for a little JOY
2022 HS Journalist of the Year portfolio submissions are due Feb. 1
We’re not talking about winter holiday joy (although everyone is looking forward to the break!), but getting ready for the annual JEA High School Journalist of the Year competition and JEANC’s Arnetta Garcin Memorial Scholarship.
Portfolios for both competitions are due Feb.1, 2022. (Winter break is often an excellent time for entrants to work on their portfolios.) Advisers may nominate one student journalist per school for the award. Full details are available on the JEA website.
The journalist with the winning NorCal portfolio, and whose adviser is a JEANC member, will be awarded JEANC’s Arnetta Garcin Memorial Scholarship and will qualify for a travel stipend to attend the JEA/NSPA National Convention in Los Angeles where the national winner will be announced in April.
JEANC will also award cash prizes for second and third place.
Additional information (from the JEA website):
- Contest Requirements & Guidelines
- State Submission Deadlines
- JEA Application for state winners
- Portfolio Polish videos
- Judging Rubric (PDF)
- Past National Winners
Remember: All JOY entries are digital and must be uploaded by Feb. 1.
Contact JEA State Director Mitch Ziegler using this form with any questions.