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The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


The news site of Journalism Education Association of Northern California


Choice classes: Descriptions

Broadcast News Writing: “Shorter, sharper, stronger” was veteran newswriter Mervin Block’s advice to newbies. Kelly Wilkerson, a former newswriter for CNN, will share professional examples and tips.

Interviewing: The secret to a great interview is: asking no questions. How can that be?! Learn how to get the great quotes that will turn your next article or multimedia project into something special.

Anyone can be a photographer: Photography can seem an art form that only the chosen few can figure out. And an SLR camera can be intimidating. This session will set the groundwork for becoming a more artistic and confident photographer as it will cram the most important aspects of a yearlong course into one hour. Composition tips — and much more!

Layout fixes: Modular design? Check. Headlines fitting the space? Check. Lots of art? Check. But a layout that accomplishes just the basics will often be little more than a basic layout. Or worse, it will be dull, or cluttered, or just somehow off. This session will focus on how little touches and careful deliberation can make a big difference in a newspaper layout.

Staff bonding: One of the hardest things a staff has to do is come together and work as a team. Come get some new ideas for ways to keep your staff cohesive, all while focused on the job at hand: publishing an awesome product.

Play-Doh Mashup: Looking for ways to improve your writing? Using Play-Doh and Roy Peter Clark’s 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, we’ll look at ways to step up our writing game. Sometimes, all it takes is a new perspective and a little time to play.

Breaking news online: Once you have a web presence, it’s time to start breaking news online. In this session, we’ll talk about managing breaking news, working in large reporting teams, and handling sensitive situations on a really tight deadline. These strategies can be scaled for staffs big and small.

Intensive feature writing (double session): In this session, we’ll talk about crafting in-depth features. The reporting, the gathering and editing of material (including audio, video and photos), and the packaging of larger stories. This kind of storytelling works across platform, so come whether you’re print, web or blended.

Issues and Ideas: Adviser Roundtable (advisers): Most days, other teachers on campus just don’t understand what publications advisers are dealing with. Come to connect with other advisers, and you’ll set the agenda. Share ideas, concerns, best practices, or simply chat.

Digital portfolios (advisers): After decades of assigning a traditional semester portfolio, Don Bott had his newspaper class transition to a digital model this past year — and it turned out being far better than he had hoped. He’ll discuss the why and the how, show samples and answer questions.

Growing your online presence (advisers): How do you add a website presence when you’re already overwhelmed with producing a newspaper? Or, if you are beginning a website-only program, what do you need to focus on first—and what can wait until later. Join Kelly Wilkerson for an informal discussion that focuses on the practical steps in developing a program over the long-term.

Multimedia on a budget (advisers): If you feel like online publications require a lot more equipment than print ones, you’re kind of right. In this session, join Michelle Balmeo to talk about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to equipment. Sometimes the most expensive isn’t the best!